Neuf centres régionaux et locaux de la Caisse Nationale de l’Assurance Maladie (CNAM) ont reçu des certificats “Marhba” garantissant la qualité de l’accueil, pour une période de trois ans. En effet, la CNAM a organisé, hier vendredi, une cérémonie de remise des certificats “Marhba” aux centres suivants : Hamma, Mareth (gouvernorat de Gabès), Ben Guerdane … L’article Tunisie : Neuf centres de la CNAM reçoivent la certification “Marhba” pour garantir un accueil de qualité est apparu en premier sur La Presse de Tunisie.
The main idea of the text is that nine regional and local centers of the National Social Security Fund (CNAM) in Tunisia have received the "Marhba" certification. This certification guarantees a high quality of service and reception for citizens, reflecting Tunisia's commitment to improving social services and reaching excellence standards.
The text emphasizes the importance of this initiative for providing decent work conditions and ensuring quality service delivery within the social security sector.
The main idea of the text is that nine regional and local centers of the National Social Security Fund (CNAM) in Tunisia have received the "Marhba" certification. This certification guarantees a high quality of service and reception for citizens, reflecting Tunisia's commitment to improving social services and reaching excellence standards. The text emphasizes the importance of this initiative for providing decent work conditions and ensuring quality service delivery within the social security sector.